FRIDAY UPDATE: Greetings #SOURCEFORCE community! It's been another productive week here at the SOURCE Protocol HQ! A quick recap of the week and a few updates for you: 1. SOURCE vaults are possible on EVIA.network for simple compounding of stake rewards. If you missed the last blog explaining it, you can find it HERE for more details.
2. The SOURCE merch store went live this week, grab some gear and help support the #SOURCEFORCE community.
3. We have hired a SOURCE team ambassador in Brazil that will be representing and educating/translating to that part of the world about all things SOURCE. He is also managing an Akash hackathon for the month of April where developers will have the opportunity to win a SOURCE token prize for building an on-chain SOURCE app. The app built on SOURCE must be powered by an Akash node.
4. We are currently scouting and negotiating with centralized exchanges to have SOURCE listed on at least one exchange. Due to the current market frenzy it has been very difficult to get a Coin Market Cap metrics listing activated. A CEX listing is needed to get us on there. Our goal is to lock one up as soon as possible as we know this is a necessary step to grow our community and global presence.
5. Finally, this weeks most exciting update is in regard to the development of the first browser based play-to-earn web3 game on $SOURCE, Muchkin's Metarun. 2TG Entertainment has been busy making great strides the last 2 months and the game is currently being tested and integrated into web3.
The SOURCE team had a chance to play the game for the first time this week and we are super excited about it! The game is fun, simple, has great art and is very high quality. It will help promote SOURCE and bring some fun and excitement to the SOURCE ecosystem while we continue to develop the SOURCE native applications. "Leap into the chaos of the cosmos in the endless runner game "Moochkin's Metarun". When an adventurous red panda triggers a rift across dimensions, he needs your help to outrun the calamity!" Check out the two second teaser clip below:
Developed by game studio, 2TG Entertainment, in partnership with Source Protocol, “Moochkin’s Metarun” takes rewarding gameplay to the next level. With fun gameplay, earnable rewards (SOURCE tokens and FaenoraVerse gaming collectibles) and cuteness galore, things are about to get very fun, very fast!
The game will test your eye hand coordination as avoiding space rifts becomes more difficult the longer you stay alive. Leaderboards will track high score data and our goal is to really use the web3 components to make this game addictive, competitive, and fun. We plan to add elements that will create some fun tribalism within the community, and there will also be tournaments and many opportunities to earn rewards from playing.
The current plan is to have the FaenoraVerse validator (awaiting deployment) sustainably supply SOURCE rewards to the game and there are also many more fun and exciting possibilities that are on the way once the game is completed. We hope you have enjoyed this week's update. Please like, comment, and share on social channels to help grow the #SOURCEFORCE community.
If you are new to $SOURCE you may have an #airdrop from staking $ATOM. Simply connect Keplr to the SOURCE blockchain, tokens were automatically distributed. Last snapshot - February 2023. SOURCE main-net launch was October 13, 2023.
There are many more great things coming for #SOURCE, be sure to join our Discord or Telegram and interact with our great community. #SourceForce
Thanks for tuning in, and we will see you in the next post!
Stay informed and don't miss out on all the excitement!
keywords: play-to-earn web3 gaming on $SOURCE, Akash hackathon
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Disclaimer: This blog article is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please do your own research before making any decisions with your tokens.